PROOF OF PURPOSE BUILT FAILURES Please study the Hybrid Drive Test and the ESX test drive (Dow Jones-News) The problem is that the auto industry seems, in my opinion to be "brain dead'1 when it comes to any thing electrical! No partnership in PNGV: About five years ago, GM was working on the Impact EV, the prototype for the EV-1, now being produced. On one version they b~t a large motor in each hub (we call wheel motors). With wheel motors and direct drive the batteries are subjected to enormous currents, as much as 2000 amps instantaneously, so you may get two normal accelerations and than the batteries would be dead. NOW FIVE YEARS AND A HALF BILLION DOLLARS LATER: Chrysler is testing the ESX (test results attached) using a 50 hp,$7K motor on each front wheel, proving they pay no attention to previous failures. The ESX is the ideal platform for this project and with my system could do 80+MPG and would be a Zero emission vehicle (ZEV) for at least 50 miles, I have projected over 100 miles per-gallon on a long highway trip, using a new trip position I have developed. My system would cut at least $20K off the cost. NOTE: It takes around 12 hp to dnve a 300O# vehicle 55 mph on level road, we usually recommend for good acceleration a 30 hp motor and a minimum two speed transmission. WHEEL MOTORS SHOULD NEVER BE USED EXCEPT FOR DRAG RACING! In my expert opinion the auto industry has wasted more than a billion dollars on hybridlEv programs since the first government support in 1976. Automotive engineers were put in charge of these programs who knew absolutely nothing about batteries andlor battery powered motors and this is still going on. Every one of these project leaders were madly opposed to electric vehicles and absolutely refused to consult with any one that might have some knowledge. People who were knowledgeable and were actively promoting electrics to save lives by cleaning up our deadly air were avoided like the plague, I personally was ejected from two meetings that I remember. HERE ARE NAMES YOU SELDOM IF EVER SEE: James Worden--Founder and CEO of Solectria Corporation World leader in EV components, motors, generators and electronics Dr. Paul McCready--Founder and CEO of AeroVironment World leader in Ultra-lite vehicles, electronics and first fast charger Dr. Mike Seal--Director of VRI (Vehicle Research Inst.) at Wwu. World leader in Composite vehicle construction--First totally composite car shown at EXPO-86 Vancouver B. C. Fair August 1986. John Gould--founder and Vice President of Uniq Mobility In 1979 John designed and built the first composite body family sedan driven by the first brushless DC motor which he also was evolved in the design. Clarence El lers-- Electronic Transportation Design World leader in hybridlEV drive and electronic controls--Designed, built, and patented world's first 84 mile per gallon, 31 00# full size sports car in 1981 This vehicle was also shown and demonstrated at EXPO-86. Now USCAR (the big three section of PNGV) in a desperate attempt to save the IC engine are starting a two or three year project to use the IC engine to add to the electric motor during acceleration. This is completely ignoring the whole purpose of the clean air program. Congress must pass some standards for hybrids requiring at least 30 miles of zero