Fox Valley Electric Auto Association
1522 Clinton Place
River Forest, IL 60305-1208

NEXT MEETING: Friday, September 17, at 7:30 in Ed Meyer's hangar, 216 Sunshine Drive, Bolingbrook (See Location map in the July newsletter)

DISCUSSION TOPICS - 1. Status of our meeting room request from Triton.  2. Should the FVEAA become a sponsor of  Bad Amplitude? 3. Web Page continued discussion. 4. Performance - Part I

Any person interested in electric cars is welcome to join the FVEAA.  The cost for a full year's dues is $20 which will entitle the member to receive our monthly Newsletter that contains useful information about electric car components, construction, policies, and events.

To obtain information about the FVEAA, you may contact either President Woods or Vice President Shafer:

            President - Ken Woods          
1264 Harvest Court
Naperville, IL  605-8956
(630) 420-1118

Vice President & Editor - Bill Shafer
1522 Clinton Place
River Forest, IL  60305-1208
(708) 771-5202


1. Ed Meyer will again roll his Beechcraft out of the hangar so we can have our September meeting in Bolingbrook.  Bring your lawn chair, mosquito repellent, and enjoy the coffee.

2. Ray Oviyach is working on a permanent meeting place at Triton College.  Ray retired as head of automotive engineering at Triton.

3. We will continue discussion of possible sponsorship of the dragster - Bad Amplitude.

4. Bill will lead a discussion of Part I of the new series; Putting Performance in your Electric Car that is included with this Newsletter.

5. I regret the passing of member Vana and urge all members to check their prostates.




The meeting at Ed Meyer's hangar was called to order at 7:15.  Twelve members and one guest, Arnold Zimmerman, attended.

There were two corrections to the July meeting.  Ed Meyer's airplane is a twin Beechcraft. The final speed of the dragster was 180mph, not 130.  Minutes approved as corrected.

Treasurer Corel's report was accepted.

Arnie Zimmerman surprised Member Dana Mock by arriving in his experimental aircraft, a Breezy.  The plane was inspected by members at the break.

The subject of FVEAA affiliation with the National EAA was considered.  The members agreed that increasing annual dues to $39.00 was not acceptable.  The portion rebated to the FVEAA is insufficient to sustain our monthly Newsletter.

Member John Emde, honorary crew chief for the dragster group, reported on the latest status.  A trial run was made at the Joliet Drag Strip.  The car had one battery pack, one Kostov motor and a Godzilla controller.  During the run, the brush springs that carry about one-third of the motor current overheated and ejected a shower of sparks.

The motor was replaced and the second Kostov also failed.  The motors are being rebuilt by Warfield Electric, a motor manufacturer in Frankfort, IL.

Bad Amplitude will not compete in other events until the bugs are worked out.

It was suggested the members could benefit from a meeting held at Warfield Electric where they could observe a motor manufacturer.  President Woods offered to ask George Hamstra if this could be arranged.

President Woods reported that Member Vana's medical condition was very poor.  Editor's Note - Vana subsequently died.  Services were held in St. Stanislaus Church on Tuesday.

There was a discussion about the FVEAA Web Page.  It might be possible for the FVEAA to have its own Universal Resource Locator (URL).  Work would be done by George Hamstra.  Further discussion was postponed until George can be present and provide additional information.

President Woods reported that the FVEAA could arrange to meet at the Lyons Township Hall in Countryside.  It would require a letter to and approval by the Township Trustees.

Member Ray Oviyach, retired head of the Auto Technology Department at Triton College, offered to determine if Triton would be willing to provide a classroom there for our monthly meetings at no charge.  It was agreed that an FVEAA affiliation with a community college would be advantageous.  A progress report will be given at the September meeting.

Member Ed Meyer offered the use of his hangar for the September meeting.

The meeting was cut short and adjourned at 9:30 PM during a mosquito attack.

From the notes of Bill Shafer.


The Corbin Sparrow was the subject of two articles in Chicago papers and also in Columbus (OH).  They were probably written from a Corbin press release.  The first mention of this one-person vehicle, a three-wheeler, classed as a motorcycle, was published in teh June 24 issue of the Columbus Dispatch and reviewed in the August FVEAA Newsletter.  The second article appeared in the Chicago Sun-Times on June 28 and reviews in the July Newsletter.  The Chicago Tribune on August 8 had an article entitled Strange Bird.  There was also an article written by Matt Nauman that appeared in the Knight-Ridder newspapers.  All these articles essentially say the same thing; refer to previous issues of FVEAA Newsletters.

The San Francisco Examiner (Date unknown) had an article on Honda who is expected to sell a 3-cylinder, 2-seater hybrid called the Insight.  The editor is skeptical about one of the statements made - that hybrids could maybe go one or two thousand miles between gasoline stops!

Computer-operated cars aren't ready for the fast lane yet. Columbus Dispatch .  This is an article about tests at Ohio State University on cars equipped with experimental electronics that will allow "drivers" to take their hands off the steering wheel when driving on specially-prepared roadways.  There is still a long way to go.

Call of the Road: Socket to Me. People Magazine, 8/9/1999. Michael Weiss, the star of the TV show Pretender, says his Toyota RAV-4EV is a great date-magnet.  This vehicle is not yet publicly available.  The article notes that California has registered 2465 electric vehicles.

Travel, BC of IL LifeTimes, August, 1999.  In an article discussion future transportation in Illinois, they note that only about 200 electric vehicles were sold last year out of a total of six million.  In the long run, at least a decade, they look forward to fuel cell cars.

Promise of Neighborhood Electric Vehicles is Alluring. Wall Street Journal, June 1, 1999, Page B2.  Celebration, Florida may be showing a way to the future of communities.  There small electric vehicles, running on restricted-speed special streets, serve most transportation needs of the residents.  Vehicles include Global Electric Motors (GEM) of Fargo, North Dakota that sells a model for $6000.  Neighborhood Electric Vehicles of Vancouver, Canada sells their model for $7500.  The $12,500 Sparrow may be another candidate.  Celebration is a planned community near Orlando planned and being built by Disney.

Outside of their protected area, owner's of NEV's do not drive their golf cars and slow-speed electric cars because they don't safely mix with regular traffic.

Supercars: Around the Corner or Running on Empty? Science, July 1999, Page 285. The government-industry Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles (PNGV) has so far spent $2 billion since 1993 in development of super-high mileage cars.  The objective is to develop vehicles that will get triple the present gas mileage and to reduce energy use and pollution. Program critics claim PNGV is on the wrong track by emphasizing direct-injection diesel engines instead of fuel cells.  Others say industry, in its own interest, should be doing the job without federal support.  Program supporters say it has a better chance of achieving desired goals than increased regulations mandating higher mileage.

Batteries are at the heart of hybrid developments. Varied air flow over a battery may heat up some cells in a battery pack while cooling others.  Current battery designs are unlikely to meet requirements according to a report released in April (

A following story on Page 682 analyzes fuel cell developments.

An August 1 Press Release from, the Northeast Sustainable Energy Association (NESEA) announces a November 5 workshop on building a Successful EV Program in your School.

FVEAA Web surfers may enjoy visiting the Volo Auto Museum web page and look over their collection of antique cars.  They also note that visitors to the Route 66 dragstrip can sign up for the raffle of a 1970 Olds 442 W30 or $50,000 cash to be given away at the end of the racing season.  A goof reason to go see Bad Amplitude.


Again this month only two EV Newsletters arrived by deadline date.

EEVC, The Eastern Group in Valley Forge had an article about fuel cell work.  Of particular interest was another article about the proposed new automobile electrical standard that will increase voltage from 12 to 42 volts.  The system is designed to handle 3-5kw kilowatts of power.  Air conditioners and other accessories now driven by a serpentine belt will instead be electrically driven and better controlled.  They also had articles about a new thermoacoustic Stiring engine that may achieve a 30% efficiency.

EV News, now Larry Gulick's publication, in the August Executive edition, notes the Postal Service had approved purchase of 500 EV's but needs additional funding authorization for projected purchases in the future of 1,000 units in the second year, 1,500 in the third, and 3,000 in the fourth year.  They have also approved the purchase of 11,275 flexible fuel vehicles (ffv).  Target price for EV's is $20,600, the same amount they pay for ffv's.

They report that a NiMh-equipped Ford Ranger ran for 115 miles @ 45 mph on a test track.  It has a rated 82.5 miles on the urban driving cycle.

Lockheed-Martin has a patent on a charging system.  Voltage measurements of each module are taken by an on-board devices during driving.  Batteries identified as having a low voltage are preferentially charged during regenerative braking. They expect this will lengthen battery life.


Starting torque sells cars. Almost every driver is favorably impressed during a test drive of a new car he is considering purchasing when the gas pedal is floored and he is pressed rearward in the seat.  A wimpy acceleration will usually kill a deal.

Acceleration must be able to match that of of conventional cars if the driver of an electric car is going to keep up with traffic.  Early hobbyists who converted cars used available, economic, hunt-wound aircraft-surplus type starter-generators.  Their cars were plagued with slow acceleration and horn-honking by drivers following them.

Electric car range and acceleration will be covered in this Series of Essays.  Part I will start off with an overview of range considerations where fundamentals for powering a passenger vehicle will be presented.  We will deal with drag forces that reduces range.  next will come the fundamentals affecting acceleration.  In Part II sample calculations will be applied to various components.  this will be continued in Part IV. Part V will consider battery characteristics. Part VI will examine battery chargers. Part VII will take a look at currently available components for conversion work.

Over twenty years of experience has been accumulated with lead-acid batteries and substitutes that included nickel-iron, nickel metal hydride, sodium-sulfur, nickle-cadmium, and a host of other elctrochemical combinations.  These substitutes can store 2-3 times the energy of a lead-acid battery, but are many times more expensive.

No battery can approach the energy-storage capability of gasoline.  A pound of gasoline stores 115,000BTU's of energy that is used by an engine with an efficiency of about 10%. That leaves 11,500 BTU's to move the car.  The usual range for a converted car using a lead-acid battery pack and driving in the usual urban traffic is less than 50 miles.  There have been "tests" that report longer distances, but they are driven at a constant speed, usually 25-40 mph, on a test track.  Be skeptical of range claims and find out what were the test conditions.

The Federal government and private industry has spent millions of dollars trying to produce an electric car with a range equivalent to a gasoline car.  Forget it; an examination of the electrochemical series of candidate battery materials will show this is a quixotic quest.

Persons who have converted cars to electric drive have learned to use them within their range limitation.  Car manufacturers don't believe this approach will be acceptable to the public. What is needed is a good public relations campaign, ala the original VW Beetle ads, informing the public that an electric car makes environmental and economic sense.

Six factors are involved in fixing the performance of a passenger car.  They are; weight, rolling resistance, air resistance, road gradient from horizontal, and propulsion effort from the power source and transmission.

The most important factor defining vehicle performance is vehicle weight.  Most conversions use 12-15 batteries.  These can be six, eight, or twelve volt modules, each weighing about 70 pounds.  Twelve batteries weigh 840 pounds, fifteen will weigh a half-ton.  Battery weight makes up a maximum of 30% of total converted vehicle weight. The curb weight of a typical conversion vehicle will be 2,800 to 2,500 pounds.  For convenience, 3,200 pounds will be used for illustration purposes.  The ideal weight distribution is a 50-50 split between front and rear wheels.

The following Table gives the weights for vehicles owned by FVEAA members:
YEAR Mfg - MODEL Allowed Converted L. Front R. Front L. Rear R. Rear
1998 Ford Ranger* 5467 4816 1239 1178 1189 1205
1986 Dodge Omni 3284 2212 752 655 383 422
1990 Nissan Sentra 3117 2971 639 613 877 842
1980 Mazda RX-7 3000 2859 715 714 716 714
Unique Electrek 2650
MI Towncar 2700
Citicar* 1580

* As-manufactured. Others are conversions or modified

Road Load
This is the name given to the rolling resistance caused by friction in bearings and gears plus tires. The flexing of tires under load is the principal element of road load.  Road Load is independent of velocity and directly proportional to weight.  It typically ranges from 0.5-2% of weight.  One way to measure road load is by coast down.  In this, the car is allowed to coast in neutral at low speeds on a smooth, level surface.  Observe the initial speed, the final speed, and the elapsed coast-down time. The Road Load coefficient can then be calculated:

Kr = Initial Speed - Final Speed                             (Feet per second)
        (Gravity Acceleration)(Elapsed time in seconds)

For illustration a 3200 pound will be assumed.  It coasts from 20 to 10 mph (29.3 to 14.7 feet per second) in 30 seconds

Kr = 29.3 - 14.7             =        14.6          =   0.015
        (32)(30)                            (96)

The Road Load Force (Fr) for the car is (Kr)(Car Weight) = (0.015)(3200) = 48 pounds

Aerodynamic Drag
The drag caused when a car is pushed thru the air. It increases as frontal area becomes larger and as the square of velocity.  The cars shape is an important factor.  The easiest way to determine this is to get it from the manufacturer's literature.  You can also attach a spring scale to a tow line and tow it at various speeds on a smooth, level surface.  The force is read from the spring scale at various speeds. Subtracting Road Load will yield drag force.

Drag force isn't much of a factor at usual urban speeds up to about 30 mph as the following table for a 3200 pound car having a frontal area of 10 square feet shows:

Speed in Miles per Hour
  20          30          40          50           60
Fd in Pounds          12          27          48          75         180                            

Hill Climbing
Around Chicago this is not an important factor.  There are occasions, however, when it must be considered.  Assume our car is on a parking garage ramp with a 30 degree slope.  The force required to move the car up the slope can be calculated:

Fh in Pounds = (Car weight) (Sine of inclination Angle)
3200 sine 30 = (3200)(.05) = 1600

For a 2% maximum grade on the Interstate System, the hill climbing force would be 112 pounds.

The sum of all the forces at the wheel surface for our typical car travelling at a constant 30 mph would be:

Fr + Fd = Fh = 48 + 48 +112 = 208 pounds

Acceleration is defined by Newton's Second Law of Motion:


Before we can plug the car weight into Newton's Equation the proper units must be used. Dividing the weight by the acceleration of gravity, G, (32 feet per sec-sec) gives the car's mass.

MASS = 3200 Pounds                 =          100 Poundalls
               32 Feet per sec-sec

For an electric car to keep up with urban traffic, it should be able to equal their acceleration capability.  Assume you wish your converted car to go 0-30 in three seconds.  This, however gives only one part of the story.  We need to calculate the distance travelled in this time.  Assuming constant torque during acceleration, a close approximate calculation for distance is:

DISTANCE = (0.5)(TIME)(FINAL VELOCITY)            
                    = (0.5)(3)(30MPH)                                        
                    = 45 feet, About the width of a typical city lot

The average acceleration is ten feet per sec-sec.

Volumetric considerations are also important.  Where will you place the batteries?  The ideal weight distribution is one equally divided between the front and rear wheels.  There is limited space in which to install batteries and make connections.  There are two usual locations for batteries; in front after the engine is removed and an an electric motor is in-place, connected to the transmission.

If you put five batteries in the front under the hood and another seven in the rear trunk space over the rear axle this will give the desired 50-50 front-rear weight distribution.  Car handling is affected by a polar moment of inertia where the car tends to rotate about its vertical center point when you abruptly turn.

Another safety factor is the height at which the batteries are installed.  They should be kept low to minimize vehicle roll-over if a sharp turn to avoid a collision is made.  You can put a battery box in the rear space formerly occupied by the spare tire and gas tank, maintaining sufficient road clearance height so the box will not drag when crossing a driveway gutter.  Then you have to decide where the spare tire will be located.

A final note; batteries require maintenance.  The standard lead-acid battery requires periodic watering so the cell caps should be easy to reach.

Bill Shafer
Newsletter Editor
August 20, 1999

This page was created by George F. Hamstra.

The last update to the page was on Tuesday, October 19, 1999.
This page has been accessed times.

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